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The Missions – Goliad State Park – Texas

Native Americans, Spanish explorers and missionaries, Texian soldiers and early settlers walked the land of what is now Goliad State Park and Historic Site in southeast Texas.

Our Lady of Loreto Chapel in Presidio La Bahía (top)

and fort settlement living quarters (right)

Mass is still held every Sunday in this Chapel at 5:00 p.m. just as it has been almost continuously since the Presidio was relocated here in 1749. One of the oldest churches in America, it is also one of the only buildings in existence that has its original “groin vaulted ceiling” in place.  The first Texas Declaration of Independence from Mexico was signed on this altar on December 20, 1835 and Fannins men were imprisoned here before their execution.

The Spanish established the mission at this site in 1749. It was the fourth mission with this name, the previous three having been established in Victoria (and possibly Jackson) counties. This mission was the first large cattle ranch in Texas, supplying its own needs and those of Spanish colonial settlements as far away as Louisiana


 holy water vessel (left) inside Mission of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit of Zúñiga (right)

Chapel in Our Lady of the Holy Spirit of Zúñiga 

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