Taking photos is a passion. I cannot put my camera down! I don’t go anywhere, planned or unplanned, without my camera. I want to share everything I see with everyone else. It’s a privilege when someone buys our photography. I know they may see something totally different than I see in a photo and that’s okay, it’s great, because they are adding something to it that is their own.
Miguel was born in Texas and has spent time living and traveling throughout the United States and abroad. Photography allows him to stop time with each picture. His first inspirations were postcards his mother kept from her youth, along with ones she would send to and receive from his grandmother who lived 1600 miles away. Ever since he received his first Kodak Brownie camera at 9 years old, he became an avid enthusiast. It was around this time that he became aware of Ansel Adams as a photographer, becoming enthralled with his landscapes and black and white photos.